Friday, June 4, 2010

Don't Waste Your Pearls

The following is Part 2 of my comments at Leah's Memorial Service at Skyline Wesleyan Church on May 29, 2010.

But, that’s not the end of the story. Speaking to His followers in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that we should not cast our pearls before swine. A curious statement, but with some thought, it makes sense. What would a pig do with pearls? A pig would be happy with some food, but pearls don’t make a good pig meal. Pearls are no help to a pig. Likewise, the person who owns the pearls and uses them on pigs misuses them – they could be sold, or made into jewelry or wonderful gifts, but when thrown to the pigs, they are lost.

I imagine that between here and the presence of Jesus, Leah let go of handfuls of pearls. Take your right hand and close it in a fist. Imagine with me that in your hand, you hold one of Leah’s pearls. Here is my challenge to you – don’t waste Leah’s pearl.

The composition of that pearl is different for each of us, but I suppose we fall into some general groups. For all of us, that pearl is the memory of Leah and how she touched our lives. Our responsibility is to take the memories of Leah and let them point us towards whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—things that are excellent and praiseworthy.

For some of us, Leah’s pearl encompasses the whole spectrum of events with her death and is preparation for things you will encounter in your own lives. Our family is buoyed by the prayers of the saints. Many of you know that I’m at the end of a campaign to be elected as a Superior Court Judge in San Diego County. This is a challenge that can only be carried by the power of God. I and the other candidates endorsed by Better Courts Now do not have the resources to prevail over the incumbents. That will happen only if God acts. Many people have been praying through all hours of the day and night for this campaign and the candidates. I tried to describe to Vicky the sense I had of the effect of those prayers but could never put it into words. I know that I have been kept from temptation and evil wished upon me by the enemy, that our cause has been supernaturally advanced, and that I have been preserved by these prayers during times of tremendous pressure. The same is true for Vicky, Hannah, Simon, Cindy, and me and the rest of the family now. This ministry of the Lord to us is a faith building block for you who will soon encounter hard times of your own. You can see that God loves and that God acts and that He will love and act for you, too. Hang onto that pearl.

For others, Leah’s pearl represents your faith in Christ – faith that may have faltered over time, or maybe never got a healthy start. Now is the time to cash in her pearl and turn your heart fully to Jesus. I’m not talking about the lip service on Sunday or even at other gatherings during the week that our faith can degenerate into. I’m talking about the vibrant, “follow Jesus wherever He leads because it will always be better than the place I’ll pick” kind of faith. The kind of faith that no longer needs control of our lives, but is willing to give control to the Lord. This is the kind where supernatural power is free to act, where miracles happen and the boundaries of the kingdom of God among us are pushed outward. I urge those of you in this group, now is the time to use Leah’s pearl.

Finally, for some of you, Leah’s pearl represents the biggest opportunity you will ever have – the opportunity to meet Jesus. The shock of this event has forced you to consider not only your own mortality, but the ultimate questions of life – where did we come from, what’s wrong with the world, how do we fix it, and what is life intended to be? For you, Leah’s pearl may have the greatest value. Don’t waste what she left you.

God as presented in the Bible gives us the only fully rational, fully defensible explanation for who we are and where we came from. We are His creations which bear His image. All that we are: persons capable of relationships, able to understand and communicate truth, moral beings, self-aware and able to choose - are each reflections of who God is. He made us like Him to be in relationship with Him.

But something is wrong – we all know it. That’s why the question “what’s wrong with the world” sounds so reasonable – everyone agrees something is wrong. But what is it? In biblical terms we call it sin – the effects of living out of relationship with God. It’s a life that falls short of what it could be, that strays from the best path, that misses the mark that it is intended to hit. We all start in that place apart from God. What’s the solution? Restoring a relationship with God. Whether you understand the theological implications of this point right now is not as important as understanding it is the fix. A holy God could not enter a relationship with sinful men and women. The sin needed a cure – someone had to pay the price. Each of us could pay our own price but that would cost us eternity separated from God. Instead, God’s own Son, Jesus, with an infinite capacity to bear the punishment for our sin took it on Himself – that’s why He had to die, that’s what the cross is all about. Since the price is paid, if you so choose, you can claim your redemption. By acknowledging your sin, that your life by itself strays from the path, falls short of righteousness, misses the bulls eye, and acknowledging the cure, the price that Jesus paid in your place, and telling God that you indeed rely upon Him to save you from your current condition and having to pay the price yourself, God can remove the barrier of sin and you enter into the relationship with God that He intended from the beginning.

This is how God intends life to be – life with Him from this point forward.

Whatever you circumstances, you have a pearl from Leah in your hand. Don’t let the gift from my precious daughter get misused on pigs, she left it for you.


The Good Tale said...

It is written Satan has deceived the whole world until the heel of time when a woman shall bruise him by exposing his lies Gen 3:15 check out the bruising of Satan and the true love of God for all at
Read all the posts to see the whole picture

Anonymous said...

I do not believe in hell and the constant burning of flesh off of the body...I believe this Romeo and Juliet are now in a better place and crossed over into the Shekinah light to a place prepared for them by a loving supreme being...they are happy together and at peace...telling us to let go of Calvinism and Theocracy danger.