Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Big?

I remember a family trip to Disneyland on a day the park had over-booked the number of groups attending. Along with then normal crowd, we were continually surrounded by Girl Scouts and knee-high soccer players. At one point, while walking through the New Orleans Square area on our way to the Pirates of Caribbean, we entered a normally crowded but quick moving very wide and very long plaza. On this over-booked day, there were enough people to bring foot traffic to a full stop. A sea of heads stretched for hundreds of feet in front, back, and both sides of us and we were going nowhere. It took 15 minutes to get the crowd moving again. Great fun on a hot Southern California day.

The other I slowed down and marveled at the non-stop activity of my thoughts. One must actually work hard to stop the flow of thoughts - sometimes several at time - from rushing through the mind (don't worry, this will connect up and make sense when I'm done). We dream, analyze, plan, and talk to ourselves every waking moment. If I have ten different thoughts in the course of a minute, I have around 10,000 thoughts a day - makes me kind of tired thinking about it.

Now, remember the last really crowded place you were in - crowded like my day at Disneyland. Imagine for a moment how many thoughts went through your head while a part of that crowd. At the same time you had one thought, everyone else in the crowd had one thought. In fact, any one time, the two-thirds of the awake people in the world are simultaneously having thoughts at every moment.

Have you ever wondered what that sounds like to God? Happy thoughts, sad thoughts, hopeful thoughts, despair, evil, ingenuity and genius all at the same time. Despite our inability to imagine that experience, God hears them all, knows what prompted each, and for those who love Him can intervene in those thoughts to accomplish His desires in our lives - simultaneously.

How would your life change if your belief about what is real included a God of this magnitude? I don't mean relegating this fact about God to the category of spiritual or religious beliefs. I mean holding onto it as the truth about the way things really are - in the same way you believe 2 + 2 = 4. Can I include a God this big in my concept of reality and continue really feel bored, or helpless, or alone in the presence of that God?

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